Laboratory examination

Akreditovana prema zahtevima standarda SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2017, sa rešenjem br: 01–073 izdatim od strane Akreditacionog tela Srbije (ATS).

Department of ecotoxicological tests

    Physical, chemical, sensory and microbiological tests

    Albuminous products for the food industry, vegetable oils and fats, grain and mill products, bakery products, pasta and related products, quick frozen dough, meat and meat products, coffee and coffee products, table salt (welded, stone, sea and fine salt), sugar, biscuits and similar products, biscuits, cocoa and chocolate products, chocolate cream products, teas, beer, refreshing soft drinks, their powders and syrups and soda water, water (natural mineral water, natural spring water and table water ), fruits, vegetables and mushrooms, fruit and vegetables, milk and milk products, starch and starch products, spices, spice extracts, mixtures of spices, vinegar, mustard, honey and honey products, eggs and egg products, soups, sauces, seasonings and related products, pudding powder, baking powder, extra funds for food, flavorings, additives (dyes, preservatives, antioxidants, acids, acidity regulators , thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, means for gelling, humektants, hardeners, means for glazing, means for treating the flour, propelenti, sweeteners, means of increasing capacity, modified starches ), enzyme preparations, herbal products, wine, alcoholic beverages and animal food;

    Animal food.


    Dishes and disposable cutlery, other equipment, recources for maintaining personal hygiene, beauty products for face and body, recources for maintaining cleanliness in the household, work surfaces, swabs from work surfaces, the workers, process equipment and animals.


    Physical, chemical, sensory and microbiological testing of water (groundwater, surface water, water for bathing and recreation, waste water, drinking water and mineral water).


    Physical and chemical analysis of soil and sediment.


    Physical, chemical and radiological waste testing.

    Waste characterization and classification of waste for transboundary movement (export, import and transit of waste).


    Physical and chemical testing of air as follows:

    • waste gas (emission measurement);
    • ambient air;
    • ambient air;

    Laboratory, in addition to stationary equipment, has an automatic analyzers for:

    • determination of the waste gas, dust, fumes, smoke-tar number, total gaseous organic carbon (TOC), organic and non organic compounds (FTIR) in the vapor phase in testing of waste gas;
    • determination of the mass concentration BTEΧ's and meteorological parameters in testing the quality of ambient air;
    • testing of microclimate parameters, measurement of noise, determining the intensity of thermal radiation and light intensity during testing of work environment.

    In addition, the laboratory performs testing of microbial contamination through the air as follows:

    • Air in the production plant
    • air around the fillers
    • compressed air
    • generated nitrogen in the corresponding generators etc..

Department of mechanical - physical examination


    Visual, radiographic testing, liquid penetrant testing, magnetic particle and ultrasound testing of:

    • welds;
    • metal materials.

    Ultrasound testing with method of reflection:

    • Steel plate thickness ≥ 6 mm;
    • flat products of austenitic and ferritic-austenitic stainless steel thickness ≥ 6 mm.

    Measurement of thickness of metallic materials by ultrasound.


    The level of human exposure to outdoor and indoor electromagnetic fields (1 Hz - 100 kHz) to:

    • a transfer of electric energy;
    • elements of the distribution system;
    • electric devices in stationary mode.
  • 9. Acoustic test

    Measurement of noise in the environment and the working environment.

    Testing of construction materials, building construction elements, buildings and halls:

    • Field measurements of air sound insulation of facade elements and facades;
    • Field measurements of air sound insulation between rooms;v
    • Field measurements insulation of inter floors constructions from sound impact;
    • measurement of the reverberation time
    Investigation of noise sources - Determination of sound power levels of noise.

    Examination of human vibration:

    • measurement of the effective value of the amplitude of velocity and acceleration of vibration on the human body;
    • measurement of the effective value of the amplitude of vibration velocity and acceleration of the arms and hands.

    Measurements of the holders of television signals and radio - broadcasting audio signals.

Opšti uslovi poslovanja:
1. Laboratorija za ispitivanje Instituta za zaštitu na radu a.d. Novi Sad u skladu sa obimom akreditacije koji se nalazi na sajtu Akreditacionog tela Srbije pod akreditacionim brojem 01-073 koristi odgovorne metode za ispitivanja koja su predmet ponude.
2. Laboratorija Instituta neće učiniti javnim informacije dobijene od korisnika usluge, bez prethodno dobijene saglasnosti, osim u slučaju naloga državnog organa.
3. Postupak za rešavanje pritužbi je dostupan na zahtev korisnika usluga i Laboratorija je odgovorna za odluke u procesu rešavanja pritužbi.
4. Laboratorija je odgovorna za izbor eksternog isporučioca usluga ispitivanja ukoliko ga ona odabere.
5. Izveštaji koji se izdaju se isklјučivo odnose na dostavljene uzorke, odnosno uzorke uzete na terenu, odnosno izvršena merenja. Laboratorija odgovara isklјučivo korisniku usluge. Sva ispitivanja se obavljaju sa pažnjom dobrog privrednika.
6. Laboratorija izdaje izjave o usaglašenosti rezultata ispitivanja sa odgovarajućim referentnim dokumentom (specifikacijom) pri čemu primenjuje pravilo odlučivanja “binarno pravilo jednostavnog prihvatanja, nivo poverenja 95%”.
   U slučaju kada je rezultat u okvirima specifikacije, Laboratorija će dati izjavu o usaglašenosti rezultata. Kada je rezultat van okvira specifikacije, Laboratorija će dati izjavu o neusaglašenosti rezultata.
   Izuzetak su izjave o usaglašenosti definisane od strane zakonodavca kao dozvolјena odstupanja (sa uklјučenom proširenom mernom nesigurnošću, npr. za otpadni gas, buku, pesticide, IBR ispitivanja).
   Ukoliko želite da se prilikom izveštavanja primeni drugo pravilo odlučivanja, ili da se ne izda izjava o usaglašenosti rezultata ispitivanja, potrebno je o tome da nas pre prihvatanja ponude obavestite.
7. Ukoliko korisnik usluge zahteva mišlјenje o bezbednosti ili zdravstvenoj ispravnosti, Laboratorija će izdati:
   • pozitivno mišlјenje o bezbednosti ili zdravstvenoj ispravnosti uzoraka će se izdavati kada su rezultati svih merenja u okvirima zakona i njegovih podzakonskih akata;
   • negativno, kada su rezultati nekog od parametra bezbednosti (mikrobiološki kriterijum bezbednosti, kontaminent, rezidua...) van okvira zakona.
8. Prihvatom ove ponude u roku njenog važenja smatra se da je zaključen ugovor između Laboratorije i korisnika usluge.
9. Na pitanja koja nisu izričito regulisana sporazumom stranaka u pismenoj formi, primenjivaće se važeći propisi.
10. Laboratorija i korisnik usluge se ovim saglašavaju da sve eventualne sporove proistekle iz, ili u vezi sa ovom ponudom, reše pred stvarno nadležnim sudom prema sedištu tuženog.
11. Informacije o prikupljanju i daljoj obradi podataka o ličnosti date su na web prezentaciji Instituta.
12. Uzorci iz službenih kontrola se čuvaju mesec dana, a ostali uzorci 7 dana od izdavanja izveštaja, ukoliko korisnik usluge ne zatraži drugačije.